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Short History About Modular Houses


The origins of modular homes date back to the 1600s. One of the first reported modular homes was brought to life by an American fisherman who had recently moved from England and wanted a house built to reliable English building standards!

To this day, there are over 16 million modular homes built on this system worldwide!

In recent years, people around the world are discovering how modular homes can be friendly both to the environment and to their budgets. Modular buildings have a smaller ecological footprint and can be built with sustainability and unique character in mind. Today, you can purchase a modular home for much less than a conventionally built one and can customize almost every aspect of it.

Home Intelligent takes the story of modular homes further, to another level…

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Our aim is to forge a distinct, unique, and accessible generation of energy-efficient modular homes that are safe, comfortable, high-quality, widely available, eco-friendly, and last but not least, customizable. Premium modular homes that will inspire society's shift toward a cleaner energy future!


FYI – Modular homes, vacation homes

For the placement of modular vacation homes, a concrete platform or pillar-type foundations are needed. These can be carried out by the beneficiary based on the project designed by our planning team.

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